Friday, June 16, 2006

Do You, Haiku

Over at ...So The Fish Said... we were asked to write a 10-word description about a recurring dream that we have. Several commenters did a sort-of haiku, and I liked their patterns. I've never written haiku, although I have written "poetry." And, this is what I came up with:
First love Just friends
Eight years Found again
Kiss me.

I know it's not the 5-7-5 pattern, so maybe I shouldn't be calling it "haiku" but just "10-word poetry?" Well, I was so impressed with my skills (hey, it doesn't even have to rhyme) that I've written a few more:

My best friend, true love
Then one day you asked, "will you"
"I do" forever.

TV distracting
There is much work to be done
Turn it off right now!

Okay, now I really am going to get back to tip-typing away at this chapter.


At 12:21 PM, Blogger zombieswan 's valuable input...

haiku smYkoo. You write what you write. :) I like them. :)

At 12:22 PM, Blogger zombieswan 's valuable input...

oh, and I once wrote some very cool haikus in a bar for the bartender on a napkin. And then gave them to that bartender who did not appreciate them the way they should have been appreciated. Damn bartenders. I regret not keeping them. Although, most likely, they are cooler in memory than they were in reality.

At 8:18 AM, Blogger JustRun 's valuable input...

Haiku can be so versatile.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

I really like the first one best, good job!
I've writtin 1 haiku in my lifetime. It made it in my school yearly poetry book. 3 times. Elementary, middle, high school. LOL. I'm so original. It's ok to plagurize (sp?) yourself!

At 11:53 AM, Blogger Unknown 's valuable input...

If we could only speak in haiku I'll bet we'd all think of much better things to say. I mean if you could only speak in 5-7-5 you'd really have to think about everything you said.



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