Tuesday, January 30, 2007

One Dollar

At R's favorite store, I found this cute little Pet Pop-Up Tent. I wasn't sure if the kitties would actually play in it, but a dollar isn't much when it comes to a few hours of entertainment. This was actually the second picture, but I wanted to save the better (first) one for next. Here's my little angel, Nabi in what has already been claimed as Reina's domain!

Like I said, this was taken first. I had thought that Nabi would be first, but Reina jumped right in and only came out to beat up Nabi when she got too close! :) When I put the little door flap down, she bats her paws at us and looks too cute!

This has absolutely nothing to do with the little tent, but it's so cute how Nabi will sit and sit right.on.top of the heater vents! The magnetic paw prints are to block some of the hot air (in the attempt to make it continue down the line to the next vent).


At 7:52 AM, Blogger JustRun 's valuable input...

That's a lot of cuteness for a dollar! I'd say you got your money's worth!

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Angela 's valuable input...

OMG!!! I have been looking everywhere for one of these tents for my dogs. Where oh where did you find this one?.

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Celina 's valuable input...

Kali: We bought it at Hudsons (a salvage store), but I think they came from Target. It's the same place we bought all of their cute little outfits! :)

At 3:21 AM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

omg their so freaking cute! Now, you know, cat law states, that if you paid say, $20 for that tent, they wouldn't go near it. THey always seem to like cheap stuff over expensive!


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