Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thesis What? Oh, DEFENSE!

It appears that tomorrow, Thursday, October 26 is the best day for all of my committee members to combine their critical and demanding powers as I prepare to DEFEND my entire Master's Research. At approximately 1:00 pm, I will stand before these four individuals who hold the key to my FUTURE. By accepting the challenge of my proposal, they expressed their shared interest in watching me struggle, stress, and succeed in achieving some result in my small niche of the scientific field.
My PowerPoint is complete, I have my notes ready, and I am (hopefully) adequately prepared to explain the dynamic components of Water Quality and Bacterial Source Tracking of a Cattle Pasture Watershed. I say: "Let's do this!"
At least I can be comfortable in knowing that after approximately 3:00 pm, tomorrow, I will no longer have to prove myself as a dedicated, motivated, laboratory worker. After that time, I will return to my long-time comfort zone of College Student Extraordinaire! I will no longer be responsible for maintaining bacterial cultures, preparing chemicals for intensive chemical reactions, or fighting with soft jello that apparently loves the floor. I can return to my Scheduled Regime of drawn out lectures, class presentations, and exams. I can participate in the Halloween Carnival without a second thought of the lab. I can enjoy the Haunted Adventures that Starkville has to offer without consideration of the sleep I'll be missing.
I will finally be FREE! (At least until my Molecular Biology exam on Tuesday.)


At 10:24 PM, Anonymous Anonymous 's valuable input...

We will be praying for you. Good luck and God Bless.
Grandma M

At 10:23 AM, Blogger zombieswan 's valuable input...

You'll do great! Break a Leg! OOOh, Now you're free this weekend..... I know, it's too long to drive, but did you get my inivtation?

At 10:24 AM, Blogger zombieswan 's valuable input...

We would make it quite a party for your successful defense..... hint.... hint....

At 3:33 PM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

Good luck! you'll do great, and be able to *sigh* relax a bit with that behind you over the weekend.

At 7:43 AM, Blogger ccw 's valuable input...

Best of luck! You'll do great.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Celina 's valuable input...

Thank y'all SO MUCH! It means a lot to me that you're all thinking about me! :)


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