Tuesday, September 26, 2006

What is Dinner Etiquette?

Tonight R and I attended an "Etiquette Dinner" at the awesome M-Club. I bought these tickets from the Career Center a few weeks ago and have been pretty excited. Not so much for the "etiquette" but rather for the $10/person 5-course meal! What a deal! Of course, R had "issues" at work and with the truck and was running late. But, we made it there just as everybody was sitting at their assigned tables.
We were grouped with 5 other people (our "etiquette professional" never showed) and given a gift bag with some papers and a free t-shirt. I guess we had the International table, because there was a girl from Brazil and 2 girls from Korea (other 2 from small Mississippi towns)! The departments represented at our table included: Forest Products (me), International Business, Chemical Engineering, Math, Biological Sciences, and English. We had a lot of fun and it was refreshing to meet new people!
Now on to your Lesson:
1. Shake hands and introduce yourself to everyone at your table.
2. Sit and place your napkin in your lap.
3. Do not eat any food until everyone is seated.
4. Pass sugar dish and bread basked to the left--NEVER take the first roll.
5. Hold polite conversation with each person at your table--do NOT discuss politics, sex, or health issues.
6. Tear a bite-size piece of bread, butter it, and eat.
7. It is polite to leave a small bit of food on your plate.
8. If something is served that you don't eat, or are allergic to, just leave it--there's no need to discuss your "issues." **I had to keep this in mind when shrimp was served as our appetizer. Of course, somebody always asks me if I'm allergic, and I have to explain "no, I just don't eat seafood."**
9. Do not place dirty silverware back on the tablecloth. Once you are finished with a utensil, leave it on the plate to be taken up. If you will use it again (tea spoon, knife), place it on your bread and butter plate.
10. If you need to cough, blow your nose, use the restroom, or clean your teeth, excuse yourself and leave the table. You do not need to "announce" the purpose for your leaving.

Okay, I know, not my most thrilling post... but I've been Really Busy lately (yeah, imagine that), and haven't had much time to come up with anything good.


At 9:14 AM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

Damn, I broke a rule, when I pass something, I always take the first serving. aaaaaaaaah! What's polite to talk about? The weather? I always talk about TV when all else fails. I have a sickness, I really do.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger JustRun 's valuable input...

What happens if no one will take the first roll?

At 1:45 PM, Blogger ccw 's valuable input...

I have a thing about table manners. I hate to see people eating like hogs or slobs. Drives me nuts.

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