Sunday, February 01, 2009

One More Week

So, I'll be heading back to work next Monday (Feb 9) and I have very mixed feelings about it...

On the one hand, I have been in desperate need of adult interaction (besides Richard) and escape from the house. However, the thought of leaving my "tiny" baby with someone else (who isn't related to me) makes me sad and a little uneasy.

I have never been the type of person who could "stay home all day and watch soaps and eat bon-bons." Pretty much since day one, I have managed to maintain the household chores (as a week-long process), take daily showers, and keep the baby fed, clean, and mostly content. I do also enjoy watching my General Hospital, taking long afternoon naps, and joining any available family members for lunch. I feel truly blessed to have a stable job that allows me to take off two months and still make enough money to cover the bills. These two months--spending time (all day, everyday) with my DAUGHTER--have been incredible, amazing, and unforgettable. I wouldn't trade any one of those days (even the most difficult of 'em) for a day anywhere else. But, I realize that it's time for me to "let go" a little bit and return to the "real world" of 8-5 work, schedules, and, thank God, ADULTS.

I don't necessarily feel anxious about not being with her (we've had grandma and grandpa babysit several Saturdays), it's just the thought that she could be trapped in her crib, in a room with nine other babies, crying those huge alligator tears... and nobody will notice her (pick her up, hug her, tell her she's loved)... (okay, I need a minute... I'm tearing up again...) Don't ge tme wrong, I think we picked an excellent daycare. It's a part of a church (which doesn't mean it's perfect, but does give a little more peace of mind), the teachers seem to really enjoy being around the babies (bless their hearts), and it's less than 5 minutes from my work (close enough to visit during lunch). But how do you leave your BABY with people who don't know you (or her) and have to tend to the needs of nine other babies who are equally demanding (probably more) and adorable (probably not)?

What if she says her first word to them? Or takes her first step into their arms? I can see it already. I pick her up one day and read through her "daily report" to see the note: "Isabella said 'mama' to Ms. so-and-so today." !!!

Okay, enough of that... if I keep that up, I'll be crying all night!
Since this is going to be my last "available" week to blog "all day," I'm going to make a very serious effort to post a few more times... I'd like to share a few more stories with y'all before I go on hiatus again.

Until next time, take care, and happy blogging!
I also wanted to say that if you're interested in seeing more Adorable Baby pictures, you can check out my photobucket!


At 9:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous 's valuable input...

Welcome back!!!!
Grandma M


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