Tuesday, February 02, 2010

All About the Girl

My girl is getting to be so grown up. This week she will be 14 months old. Tonight we had three of her favorite foods for dinner: macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, and beans (baked beans). It got me to thinking that I've been meaning to post about my amazing little girl. So, here goes.

Last week she was moved up to the toddler class at her daycare. She started in the infant room when she was only 9 weeks old, on February 9, 2009. The requirements for her to be moved were: walking steady, no pacifier, and no bottle. Well, she gave up the bottle at 11 months (she loves her sippy cup), she only uses the Binky (pacifier) at bedtime, and she started walking (at home) one week before her 1st birthday. The only thing holding her back was that she absolutely refused to walk (without holding on) at school! Well, the 2 boys who are near her age (one is 1 week older, the other 1 week younger) were walking steady by mid-November, so they moved to the toddler class at the beginning of January. I guess my girl missed her friends, because once they left, she stopped walking (even at home) for a full week! After talking it over with her teachers and the daycare director, we decided to give her a try in the toddler class. Well, on the first day she was walking like a pro! Now, she doesn't even want to go in the infant room (at the beginning and end of the day). She's also walking everywhere else--when visiting family, around the stores, to the mailbox, yes she wants to walk everywhere!

She's also a fan of the park. We have a tiny playground in our neighborhood and I try to let her play for a little while when we get home (before dinner). Right away, she climbed up the steps, sat at the top of the slide, flipped onto her belly, and slid right down!

This girl loves animals and doesn't shy away from any animal--no matter the shape or size! She loves to laugh and point when the cats do something funny and gets so excited anytime she sees somebody with a dog. One of our cats is so wonderful with her, letting her pull her tail, poke her hears, and even lay on top of her. The other discreetly walks away anytime she sees the baby coming her way.
It's so incredible to realize that my world revolves around this one tiny little person. This amazing, stubborn, funny, daring, smart, miniature version of ME.

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At 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous 's valuable input...

I LOVE MY BIG GIRL!!!!!!! She is sooooo smart and happy. I love seeing her smile and her eyes are so bright. I hate I am so far away from all of you.
Mom P

At 10:43 PM, Blogger MaryBeth 's valuable input...

Thanks for your sweet comment! Your little one is adorable.... you will be amazed at the things she says once she is talking!


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