Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Pictures and Good News!

I love to go outside, but mom says I have to wear my coat because it's cold.

While she freezes outside, I'd rather stay warm by the heater vent.

Hey! Take a picture of me, too!

MOM! Enough with the pictures, already!

Ooh, ooh, Look What I Can Do!

Good News! A friend of our in the city police department called the officer that gave me that ticket and got him to dismiss it! Good thing, too, because I found out that they had not changed my court date (I called 3 days after I got it, and a week before the original date--Nov2), and a warrant had been issued! Isn't that ridiculous! So for the past month I've been driving around with that over my head and didn't even know!! I guess that goes with the territory in small towns like these. So, I got a letter in the mail saying that it was dismissed and my friend (the cop) told me to keep it in the truck all the time just in case they "forgot" to put it in the computer!
Oh, and my final grades are 3 As and 1 B! That B is the biochem class that I was worried about! Now, I'm back to my stuff in the lab. It feels great to actually be doing something, but I'm sure it will feel even better when I'm finished!
We went and saw The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe this weekend, it was very good. I think R even got a little teary. It made me want to go back and re-read the other Narnia books. I just have to dig around a little to find them...


At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous 's valuable input...

Great news on the grades, as if there was ever any REAL doubt anyhow. Keep that Cop friend you never know when one can come in handy.....
See you soon.
Love to both of you and the furry ones too.
Gma M

At 8:57 AM, Blogger ccw 's valuable input...

Congrats on the great grades!

I love the pictures of the animals. Since the bird is hanging out in the tree, I will assume that the cats leave the bird alone?

That's also good news about the ticket. However, I can now see that I have been associating with a wanted person! LOL

At 7:08 PM, Blogger Leesa 's valuable input...


At 12:55 AM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

Congrats on the ticket, and your grades!!

Adorable kids!!!

At 11:02 AM, Blogger Celina 's valuable input...

Gramma: Thanks! I was a little worried about that one class. And, trust me, we're definitely keeping our "cop friend" around!

CCW: Thanks! The bird only comes out when we're around to keep an eye on him, because he "teases" the cats by divebombing them & I'm worried that one day they're going to get him! For the most part, they don't play too rough with him. And, he doesn't really like the tree, R put him there so I could take a picture!

Leesa: Thanks!

Mon: Thank you, and thank you!

At 12:49 PM, Blogger Lo Lo Lova 's valuable input...

Cute pix. Great report card. And no ticket. Now you can have a HAPPY holiday :)


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