Friday, December 02, 2005

Blast From the Past

This was taken in June 1999. I was assitant troop leader for my sister's girl scout troop, and this was a trip we took to the Audubon Zoo in New Orleans. R is great with kids and he joined us. In fact, I think the girls enjoyed his company more than mine (he's just a big kid at heart). We look so young and skinny in this picture (please excuse the poor quality and butts in the background). I just wanted to share this to compare to our more recent pictures. This is probably the oldest picture I have of us together (we had been dating about 3 months).

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This picture was taken November 2002, on Pensacola Beach, FL. It was one of our various trips to Florida, and YES, it was cold.

I've talked about my "furkids," but I don't think I've ever mentioned this little guy. This is Birdy (I know, real original). R got him for me for my Birthday last year, he is now 1 1/2 years old, and as ornery as can be. He's very territorial (and slightly aggressive). he makes the cutest sounds, likes to sit on our heads, and plays "Catch Me If You Can" with the cats. Oh, and he likes posing for pictures.


At 12:15 PM, Blogger K 's valuable input...

I love budgies!!!!

He's so cute. He looks just like my 'pretty boy' I had growing up.

Birdy's a real ham it seems.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger ccw 's valuable input...

How long will the bird live? Baby H loves birds, but the thought of having an animal for decades concerns me.

Love the pictures! Our old pictures are the opposite of now; I am heavier and Mr. S is a stick. Oddly enough, he has gained the amount I lost.

At 9:26 AM, Blogger Fizzgig 's valuable input...

Ahhhhhh, I had that same color parakeet when I was a lad. LOL! He is a cutie! Old pics are fun!

At 11:32 AM, Blogger Celina 's valuable input...

Krista: He is a ham! I have some really cute pics of him, but no patience to scan them.

CCW: I've read that they live 7-15 years. It really depends on his "lifestyle." I think he's a great pet (once you get past the biting). He's does funny things and makes the cutest noises (especially when we're trying to watch movies).

Mon: I wasn't sure about getting a bird, but I KNEW I couldn't have another cat. I have TONS of pics, and I love looking through them.


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